Monday, September 8, 2008

I've been tagged!

My friend, Rozemary, tagged me a few weeks ago and I'm just now getting around to it so here goes:

3 Joys: My family, Christmas morning, eating really good dark chocolate.

3 Fears: Someone I love getting sick or dying (morbid, I know), the dark (how old am I?), ET (that movie scared the daylights out of me)!

3 Obsessions/Collections: I used to collect bells. Don't really collect anything anymore, but I'm obsessed with taking pictures of my little guy and learning all I can about being the best mama I can be.

3 Goals: Have another baby soon, run a 10K (pathetic compared to my husband's 50K - he needs to be slapped), become better at Pilates (just started up again last week).

3 Facts about me: I'm extremely accepting of people from all walks of life, I'm shy in big groups, I love my family more than anything in the world!


Rozemary said...

Awe, you are so cute. I'm not a big fan of the dark either, and it's sad becuase I'm not 5 any more. lol.
Ian does need to be slapped, 50k, eh.. making all of us 10k ppl feel bad! ha!
Love your pics.. very cute!

Jolene said...

Nicole is scared to death of ET too! She doesn't even like our vacuum because she says it is shaped like ET!